When creating a magazine, you have to make sure that you fulfil the needs of you target audience, otherwise no one will be interested.
My mast head, at first comes across as quite aggressive, its in all cap locks, this suggests that its shouting it at you, Its also very dark colours which fits perfectly with my target audience. One letter of the mast head is a different colour, i did this so i would catch the eye of the reader and hopefully will make them want to pick up the magazine and buy it. I also flipped two letters in the mast head, this made it look different and quirky, i fell like my masthead suits its target audience and appeals to them greatly.
My model, he is dressed in all black, and fashionable clothes, this fits well with my target essence beaches people who will read this magazine will be fashion conscious and so this appeals to them, this colour also contrasts well with the brick wall and white background. Women may find the model attractive, so the model is used for sex appeal throughout the magazine.
The fonts is used throughout out my magazine pages was 'Broadway', its quite a aggressive font, so this will attract my audience, and some of the text is different sizes, this symbolises importance, if something is larger, this means it is more important.
In my contents page, i have mentioned a lot of other artists, this will entice people and will make them want to know more, so they will buy the magazine, and using words like 'new', 'big' and 'upcoming' suggests that their is something exciting in the magazine.
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